The Story You Can Tell Isn’t The Real Story

He is a journalist, writer, sociologist, programmer from Transylvania ... and our friend. Marius wrote his first piece of fiction when he was 14 and has been writing ever since. We think he is very good at it. Two of his plays are now on stage at the Romanian National Theatre in Cluj. This is his first book (The Story You Can Tell Isn’t The Real Story) published with one of our works on the cover. We are very proud that one of our pieces of art is on such a great book.
Congrats Marius!

We've been absent for some time because we work a lot, creating art objects for the new exhibitions and Christmas, some of them you'll find here soon. In the mean time we have two surprises here and here. Hope you'll like them! We wish you a fabulous new weekend!


  1. Thanks girls, you're too kind :) Can't wait to see your new work!

  2. It is nice to hear from you again ladies!

  3. You have been missed...wonderful work, as usual.


  4. Yes, you were really missed, so glad you're back again :) Congratulations on the cover it looks magnificent!!
    I love your photographic images they have a lot to say!

  5. It's so good to know that we were missed...and so happy that you visited us!!!

  6. This looks wonderful, I wonder if it will be published in English?

  7. Unfortunately, we think the book won't be published in English yet, in the near future.

  8. Just fantastic work! Thanks for taking the time to share.



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